As we play into the rhythm of this new school year, we are filled with excitement and pride at the enthusiasm and talent displayed by our students. This year promises to unfold into a memorable and melodious journey for our junior high band, thanks to the commitment of our students and the unwavering support of our parents.
We've kicked off with great momentum, mastering initial pieces that showcase our potential and dedication. It's thrilling to see new members blend seamlessly with our returning musicians, all sharing a unified passion for music. This harmonious spirit is what makes our band truly exceptional.
Exciting Opportunities Ahead
Looking ahead, we have a symphony of events and activities that will not only challenge our students but also offer them unique opportunities to shine. Each concert, competition, and performance is a step toward achieving greater musical excellence and personal growth.
Among the highlights of our calendar is the eagerly anticipated Annual Poinsettia Fundraiser. The funds raised play a crucial role in enriching our band program, supporting everything from purchasing new instruments to covering travel expenses for our concerts. Your participation and contribution can make a significant difference.
See Below for Upcoming Important Dates
As we look forward to the melodies and memories we will create together this year, please mark your calendars for the events and milestones ahead. Your participation is crucial to our symphony of success.
♫ Dates of Note ♫
Sept 3: Private Lessons Start
Sept 4: Jazz Band Rehearsals start
Sept 11: Spirit Day at DOS TACOS
(All Day)
Sept 13: Band Booster Fundraiser Starts (Poinsettia's)
Your student will have a RED piece of paper with all the details, ask to see it if they have not given it to you already!
This event runs for only 2 weeks, and we have limited poinsettias available, get them while you can WE WILL SELL OUT!
Sept 13: Pep Rally!
Performing Band students will be released from 7th period to assemble their instrument and perform at the pep rally. Uniform is Informal: 23/24 Band t-shirt, jeans, sneakers (since we do not have band shirts yet, students can wear a black shirt with jeans). Double Major Grade Performance.
Sept 19: OTHS 8th Grade Football night
Details will be distributed via email from OTHS. All 8th graders attending OTHS are invited to travel to the stadium and perform with the band in the stands.
Sept 26: KHS 8th Grade Football night
All 8th graders attending KHS are invited to travel to the stadium and perform with the band in the stands. More details to come.
Sept 27: Band Booster Fundraiser Ends