Performing Bands
Honors Band
Remind Code:
The Honors Band is the Varsity performing ensemble comprised of the most advanced students from the seventh and eighth grades. In addition to the ensemble instruction during the school day, each student is required to attend one section rehearsal per week before school. Section rehearsals give us the opportunity to continue with skill development on each family of instruments and to do detail work on music that is not possible during the school day. Additional full band rehearsals may be called in the spring semester as needed.
Symphonic Band
Remind Code:
The Symphonic Band is the Non-Varsity performing ensemble comprised of seventh and eighth graders. Concepts and expectations are the same for all students in the seventh and eighth grade bands; the music is just not quite as difficult. This band meets daily for one class period during normal school hours. In addition to the ensemble instruction during the school day, each student is required to attend one section rehearsal per week before school. Section rehearsals give us the opportunity to continue with skill development on each family of instruments, and to do detail work on music that is not possible during the school day. Additional full band rehearsals may be called in the spring semester as needed.
Concert Band
Remind Code:
The Concert Band is the Sub Non-Varsity performing ensemble comprised of seventh and eighth graders. Concepts and expectations are the same for all students in the seventh and eighth grade bands; the music is just not quite as difficult. This band meets daily for one class period during normal school hours. In addition to the ensemble instruction during the school day, each student is required to attend one section rehearsal per week before school. Section rehearsals give us the opportunity to continue with skill development on each family of instruments, and to do detail work on music that is not possible during the school day. Additional full band rehearsals may be called in the spring semester as needed.