BBA Membership
The mission of the WoodCreek Junior High Band Boosters is to support the Band and the Band Directors of WoodCreek Junior High. The purpose to provide financial support to the Band and to help provide the materials not supplied by the district.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Who can become a Band Booster Member?
A: The Band Booster Club is composed of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and anyone who wants to support our Band Program.
Q: Am I required to volunteer if I become a Band Booster Member?
A: No, although we will need volunteers throughout the year, becoming a member does not automatically make you a volunteer.
Q: Cost of membership?
A: Membership is $15.00 per individual.
Q: When can I join?
A: You can join anytime during the school year.
Q: Where can I join?
A: Visit this link: